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We know that Mao Book cover wholesale has a long history

Hunan Raco Enterprises Co.,Ltd. 11/11/2013 7:22:49 PM

We know that Mao Book cover wholesale has a long history , to bring home every one of our warm, its style is varied , gave us the visual effects are not the same , it is characterized by a very unique , and we use color hair Book cover wholesale is the same reason. That we use for a long time without proper maintenance , there will be smell, so how can we deal with it ?

Gross Book cover wholesale products It is indeed a low-carbon environment with , but after a period of use will emit an unpleasant odor, unbearable. Indeed, they are not only durable, it can not be directly recycled, low-carbon environmental protection in this regard is indeed worthy of the name . The emergence of smell is a very easy problem to solve . This problem occurs mostly because of damp , the solution is simple: be placed directly under the sun drying can , if you think this is not enough , you can also put some on top of the activated carbon can absorb odors . So that all problems easily solved.

Gross Book cover wholesale made ​​using natural wool processing , production process without no latitude is based on the wool itself flake cross each other, bonded , the main features : Because Book cover wholesale together good performance , but also flexible, easy to loose , can be used as shock, seals, gaskets, washed , cut into various shapes of parts. Good insulation properties, can be used as heat insulation, insulation materials, fire-retardant treatment can be used as insulation, thermal insulation , fire-retardant materials . According to the characteristics of Book cover wholesale , organized, pores small can as a good oil filter material. Good wear resistance , can be used as polishing , polishing materials .


raysale@live.cn raysale Tel:+86-139-7580-9378