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Book cover wholesale manufacturing technique is one of four

Hunan Raco Enterprises Co.,Ltd. 12/3/2013 9:46:22 PM

Book cover wholesale manufacture technique is one of the four great inventions of ancient China, is also a major contribution to the nation on the world of science. Rucheng the indigenous cause Book cover wholesale, from the Qing Dynasty Emperor Kangxi has spread so far , has been 300 years of history, production techniques thanks to the mentoring tradition , words and deeds , with savvy and long-term practice to master , simple materials to tender bamboo based materials, auxiliary materials as lime, holly leaves , process complexity has cut bamboo shoots cut , to the festival , lime soaked , sealing the lake , wash bamboo shoots, drained, stepped shoots into the Book cover wholesale tank , put the gum leaf water, stirring , copy Book cover wholesale, squeezed water , divided Book cover wholesale, baking Book cover wholesale, take the Book cover wholesale, folding , dressing, grinding and other 22 processes.

1 , grinding and beating optimization purposes

Saying goes , " beating seventh , three made ​​Book cover wholesale", making Book cover wholesale beating in the production process is a " simple and very critical" steps.

Because of "simple" lead to the neglect of management and technology , making the actual refining equipment utilization is low, grinding tooth with unreasonable power consumption, waste and more ; "critical" because of the way the refiner beating Model , tooth grinding of adaptability for beating targets and Book cover wholesale papermaking machine plays a very important influence, often about a Book cover wholesale of the established indicators .


raysale@live.cn raysale Tel:+86-139-7580-9378