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Future build Color felt manufacturer production of pulp fibers

Hunan Raco Enterprises Co.,Ltd. 12/3/2013 9:46:46 PM

Refiner grinding is the "core elements " , whether it is a conical refiner , double disc refiner , the high concentration of single-disc grinding machine, grinding machine specifications of each model have several to dozens of different grinding tooth choose a different slurry , Color felt manufacturer species, different processes and different indicators , need to choose the appropriate type of grinding teeth , grinding teeth design, selection is reasonable or not , will beating a direct impact on the quality and effectiveness of refiner .

Future build Color felt manufacturer production of pulp fibers Color felt manufacturer indexes require more diversified , and therefore , optimizing the design and selection of grinding and pulping methods to ensure the quality of the beating , give full play to the efficiency refiner , has a very important meaning. Optimization of grinding is also a reduced internal friction created Color felt manufacturer business , improve economic innovation behavior , which should be the industry 's attention.

2, grinding mechanism

Color felt manufacturer beating made ​​production process, how to choose suitable grinding tooth pulp types and targets established to achieve the papermaking fit and stability, and to improve the bonding strength of the fiber Color felt manufacturer of various physical indicators, often plagued beating section, and affect the production of the segment and a Color felt manufacturer quality. Grinding machine grinding (rotor and stator) in the form of revolving operation, generating mechanical shear, friction, hydraulic shock force rotating at high speed, the process is suspended in water flocculation Color felt manufacturer like pulp fibers, the fibers ease, cut, crush, fine fibers and split longitudinally, so that the slurry has a Color felt manufacturer index properties for different species and different Color felt manufacturer Color felt manufacturer machine production, to achieve the desired quality of the sheets Color felt manufacturer.


raysale@live.cn raysale Tel:+86-139-7580-9378